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Pinnacle Lien Service provides medical billing specialization in complex services for all payer types. In addition, we provide collection services for Workers Comp medical providers.


  • 01.Payment Collection
  • 02.Claims Processing
  • 03.Data Analytics

For a business to survive, collection is a must. At Pinnacle, the collectors, hearing reps, office staff, and ownership all work as a team to provide superior customer service and a high collection success rate.

• In House Collection - After reviewing accounts, we plan a course of action. This may include filing a Declaration of Readiness or a Petition for Penalties & Interest.

• Hearing & Trial Representation - The hearing & trial period is critical for collecting. Pinnacle covers every element of the process and keeps clients informed every step of the way.

• Insurance & Review EOB Disputes - We make sure that no down-coding takes place and every measure is taken to collect the balance owed.

• Compliant with WCAB Rules - We comply with the latest rules and regulations including ACOEM guidelines and all CA Labor Codes.

• Comprehensive Monthly Billing - Each client receives a monthly snapshot of the status of all its cases, which enables them to track future income.

• Personal Injury Case Management - Keeping track of ongoing P.I. cases can be time consuming. We stay on top of all parties to ensure our client's lien isn't neglected at settlement.

• Access to Management - A client may call any Pinnacle team member and get a prompt response.


Worker's Compensation Appeals

  • 01.Lien Conferences
  • 02.Lien Trials
  • 03.Settlement Conferences

The Worker's Compensation Appeals Boards and each of its offices began using Electronic Adjudication Management System (EAMS) in late 2008. Regulations requiring the use of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) forms became effective November 17, 2008. Pinnacle Lien Services is fully operational with this new system and all of its components. Unless all of the nuances of this governmental system are adhered to, Workers' Compenstation Appeals Boards will not recognize the validity of a lien and therefore it will become almost impossible to collect. Fortunately, Pinnacle's staff has been fully trained on the EAMS system and follows every step to ensure proper collection. Pinnacle Lien Services is also fully compliant with all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. Your client's personal records are secure with Pinnacle's adherence to information security.



  • 01.Certified Billing Experts
  • 02.Timely Claim Submission
  • 03.Aggressive A/R Follow-up

Pinnacle Lien Services offers an array of billing services and is dedicated to helping your practice achieve optimal revenue cycles. You need accurate billing that achieves maximum reimbursement for the services you providedin good faith to your patients.


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